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Adviser Program and 2022 Power Ranking Systems
Adviser Program and 2022 Power Ranking Systems

Hey everyone!

Almost 6 months after the last "major" announcement (Fortnite Gamepedia teams up with Yunite) we are here again to introduce you to the first three new features that will be introduced in this 2022:

Adviser Program

Over the course of 2021, we proposed several times some Power Ranking Systems that the community was not happy with and we are fully aware of that. This is exactly why we have decided to introduce the Adviser Program. Players and Influential Individuals will have the opportunity to join this "group" where they will have the opportunity to provide any feedback on the Power Ranking, more precisely:

• Have access to the Power Ranking Systems days before the start of a tournament.
- This will allow us to collect any kind of opinion and possibly modify the power ranking systems before they are public.

• Have access to the Adviser Private Chat where users will have the opportunity to discuss about the power ranking systems with staff members and admins.
- This is to have more of a place where all adviser members can have their say with close contact to staff members.

All this will be on our Discord server, to join our program go to the channel #become-an-adviser.
In the future we may add additional "advantages" for Advisers.

2022 Power Ranking Systems

We are not happy with the way we have created the 2021 Power Ranking Systems, so we have decided to revise everything starting with the Tiers.

What are Tiers?
Tiers define the relevance of the tournament and are an important point in defining what kind of power ranking system to create, below in order of relevance:

• Premier Tournaments
• Major Tournaments
• Intermediate Tournaments (NEW)
• Monthly and Weekly Tournaments
• Minor Tournaments

All the Tiers apart from Intermediate were things that were already there, but from this year we will be giving more importance based also on the Tiers (and these are also very much based on the prize pool, for more information on the notability of the various tiers click here)

Moving forward, another thing we decided to revisit is the distribution of the points based on the placement made

What is meant by that?
To give an example if you previously arrived 100th or 76th in the solo cash cup, the points you received were identical. From this year instead we have decided to differentiate the various placements

Solo Cash Cup Example
Before (2021 System)

• 76-100 = 275

Now (2022 System)
• 76 = 275
• 77 = 270
• 78 = 265
• 79 = 260
• 80 = 255
• 81 = 250
• 82 = 245
• 83 = 240
• 84 = 235
• 85 = 230
• ... = ...

We believe that in this way, in addition to refreshing the entire system, each placement will have its own value.

2022 Power Ranking Systems for Third Party Tournaments

Another big request we've had from the community during 2020 and 2021 is the possibility of Power Ranking Systems for tournaments organized by third parties (so not official Epic Games Tournaments). What we can say at the moment is that we plan to evaluate this possibility as long as these same tournaments meet the requirements of one of these three tiers:

• Major Tournaments
• Intermediate Tournaments
• Minor Tournaments

Also, these tournaments must be open to anyone. Unfortunately we cannot give a Power Ranking System to a tournament that is invitation only or half invitation only, this would advantage the invited players.

And for the moment the new features end here, we will still have one more thing to announce but we can't say anything about it yet, as soon as we are ready we will announce it.

Published on 06. Jan 2024
Written by Kast2 / Twitter - @kast2_

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