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Fortnite Esports Wiki
Fortnite Champion Series: Season X - Heat 2: Asia
FN Champion Series Season X logo
Tournament Information
OrganizerEpic Games
Prize Pool$10,200
Number of Teams33
LinksFortnite Tracker
Location & Dates
Event TypeOnline
The Fortnite Champion Series: Season X is the official league for Season X. Starting on September 20, 2019, each Heat is composed from the top 132 trios from the Weekly stage. These 132 trios will compete for 32 Grand Finals spots, for their respective region. Each Heat, players from all around the world will have a chance to win cash prizes and qualify for the Grand Finals.



  • 3 hour limit & 6 match limit
  • Scoring based on placement and eliminations.
  • Top 16 trios will advance to the Grand Finals.

Points Breakdown

Point Distribution
Scoring Points
Victory Royale 3
Reach Top 2 3
Reach Top 4 3
Reach Top 6 3
Reach Top 12 3
Elimination 1

Prize Pool

$10,200 (USD) are spread among the teams as seen below:

PlacePrizePrize (%)PointsTeamPlayers
PlacementIcon1 1T1logo stdT1, T1logo stdT1, T1logo stdT1SinOoh, Hood.J, Peterpan
PlacementIcon2 2Chipson, jozya, RIKI
PlacementIcon3 3Logo stdWGS, Logo stdWGS, Logo stdWGSJAG, Horde, Qoo
4Newbeelogo stdNewbee, Newbeelogo stdNewbee, Newbeelogo stdNewbee13, 14, 520
5FunPlus Phoenixlogo stdFunPlus Phoenix, FunPlus Phoenixlogo stdFunPlus Phoenix, FunPlus Phoenixlogo stdFunPlus PhoenixXiaoTian, Evilmare, QianLan
6Team WElogo stdTeam WE, Team WElogo stdTeam WE, Team WElogo stdTeam WEMiJia, XCC, Fire
7Logo stdWGS, Logo stdWGS, Logo stdWGSMacChan, HOON, Sopra
8Swillium, zuko, fa1zzу
9Maesar, SHIRONEKO, 養鶏場 メロン
10HardCarry, Envy, Spidermon
11Logo std養鶏場, Logo std養鶏場, Logo std養鶏場NEZAR, ChickeNoob, Lexqss
12TayTayっっ, ぺ.らずえる, くるくる
13Crazy Raccoonlogo stdCrazy Raccoon, Crazy Raccoonlogo stdCrazy Raccoon, Crazy Raccoonlogo stdCrazy RaccoonToppy, UyuRiru, Francisco
14Loco, BanXiu, Anonymous
15なえとるぅ, Berry, harutoon
16Jeongwoo, Este Ban, NinGDO
17T1logo stdT1, T1logo stdT1, T1logo stdT1Arius, Banny, Quickss
18ぼくラグナ, Shinckyfishy, Medusa
19iNTRO, Puzz, milfy
20NeverMore.ista, GHFORTIK, Hipster
21Channel, SexyInkya, POSK
22총수-백두, Misty Aim, native bot
23Ratatou2005, pizdun2005, nоrt
24Logo stdWinners, Logo stdWinners, Logo stdWinnersHava, noonMap, 망둥어
25Team Gamer Legionlogo stdGamer Legion, Team Gamer Legionlogo stdGamer Legion, Team Gamer Legionlogo stdGamer LegionNizzy, GULICK, FqnZa
26Huskl1, ここまるてぃーちゃー, Saver Digger
27STAN Gaminglogo stdSTAN Gaming, STAN Gaminglogo stdSTAN Gaming, STAN Gaminglogo stdSTAN Gamingephe, ma-kun, JYKN
28がすてる, 漢撃ちのびちゃ, snow
29すとーく, からつけ, Ferris
30ymck, Heart, Raider464
31BerserkvRukihaZ, Noah, Samurai
32水柱 みばと, 養鶏胡蝶 らいと, 霞にゃんこ
33ZotaX, m1nd, Despa




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