Fortnite Esports Wiki
Fortnite Champion Series: Season X - Week 2: NA-West
FN Champion Series Season X logo
Tournament Information
OrganizerEpic Games
Prize Pool$139,200
LinksFortnite Tracker
Location & Dates
North America West
Event TypeOnline
Start Date2019-08-24
End Date2019-08-25
The Fortnite Champion Series: Season X is the official league for Season X. Starting on August 16, 2019, each week Epic Games will be holding online qualifiers for the Champion Series: Season Finals on six regions. Each week, players from all around the world will have a chance to win cash prizes and qualify for the Champion Series: Season Finals.



  • Open: August 24th, 2019
    • 3 hour limit & 10 match limit
    • Scoring based on placement and eliminations.
    • Top 1,000 trios will advance to Semi-Finals.
  • Semi-Finals: August 24th, 2019
    • 3 hour limit & 10 match limit
    • Scoring based on placement and eliminations.
    • Points scored during Open are not transferred to Semi-Finals.
    • Top 150 trios will advance to Finals.
  • Finals: August 25th, 2019
    • 3 hour limit & 10 match limit
    • Scoring based on placement and eliminations.
    • Points scored during Semi-Finals are not transferred to Finals.
    • Top 8 trios will advance to Season Finals.
      • If a trio has already qualified and finishes in the auto qualification spot, the spot is removed, and instead added to the final count to be pulled from the Series Points Leaderboard at the end of the 5th week. Top performers that didn't qualify will be invited to fill out rest of the Season Finals spots.

Points Breakdown

Point Distribution
Scoring Points
Victory Royale 3
Reach Top 2 3
Reach Top 4 3
Reach Top 6 3
Reach Top 12 3
Elimination 1

Prize Pool

$139,200 (USD) are spread among the teams as seen below:

PlacePrizePrize (%)PointsTeamPlayers
PlacementIcon1 117.24%146ThaiTanks, Thomuss , wavyjаcob
PlacementIcon2 28.62%123Counter Logic Gaminglogo stdCounter Logic Gaming, Counter Logic Gaminglogo stdCounter Logic Gaming, NRG Esports.NAlogo stdNRG Esports.NASymetrical, Leno, EpikWhale
PlacementIcon3 33.45%110Snow, Kyzui, VICARΟS
43.45%108Lanjok, Kaysid, Τocata
51.29%106tyvan, maken, Frapai
61.29%95саleb, Unlocalize, DBree
71.29%93Kix, Garrett, Legend
81.29%92Naga, CoolPenguin48, Voxie
90.86%92Fulmer, Persecute, Kytrex
100.86%90Ceice, Riversan, Elevate
110.86%86Rhux, Pika, Joel
120.86%86rеhx, Cented, Edgey
130.86%82Menace, cyrzr, feared
140.86%81Triggу, Vaуne, Hαrmful
150.86%81Мony, Sogys, Domo
160.86%80nmgreen, aims, boοne
170.86%76flakers, middi, Zoluc
180.86%76Pеarl, JTruth, Kloxic
190.86%76Voiсe, jоes, lоbz
200.86%76nolan, kalvinn, duke
210.86%74Prime, twunks, nitrix
220.86%74JDW, Zoommba, Chexxy
230.86%74Clyfen, Chickeη, zoof
240.86%72Anonymous, Dord0n, DELLZΟR
250.86%71xVerty, Вlix, Lxdesman
260.86%71IBEATMYSLOTH, Vide, Sрicy
270.86%69Enano, Jovanni, DarkRoseMigz
280.86%69Enzo, Aroa, npen
290.86%69NolbertoEZ, byelies, prodigy
300.86%68dafps, cbkflame, jota
310.43%68Prollo, Pair, Sleezy
320.43%68Litzinio, Viппy, Reguletor
330.43%68Rogue, msfts, blaek
340.43%68tikkles, Frutty, upvast
350.43%67BarBan, Slick, Spectro
360.43%66Monte, JCudi, Hansol
370.43%65RichHomieQuinn, Barl, Wheels
380.43%65WOOD, liilryan, Beck
390.43%64Bumboy, Tacozz, Tavern
400.43%64R B, ashley, pcorkle
410.43%63ITZShadow, Тimyoshi, ѕchlump
420.43%63aimkey, blly, vеnt
430.43%60favs, Sceptile, goldеnn
440.43%60scrub, prаncy, paul cant aim
450.43%60Pzuhs, maximoe, YoZehn
460.43%60Xycik, apegod, alexWEARY
470.43%60Rеwind, Hitmarker, foreswear
480.43%60Aurum, slimezey, parm
490.43%60Sketch, Aldem, Lucxs
500.43%59Hypеr, Lucas, femet
510.43%58Spirit, snаckbar, fiscoo
520.43%57Devious, frostyZK, Kehnys
530.43%55Badger, nil, ExoGG
540.43%55JayRosez, GTEdog, kevinsleepy
550.43%55аcro, shot, tyrо
560.43%55Destroуer, kidcudi skvdoosh, Tendaі
570.43%55Darkii, Temple, Powur
580.43%54Rage, Lunаtіc, Wхck
590.43%54slim, Branchies, alithy
600.43%54Ruckuh, illChase, Sеan
610.43%54SmokedBR, Hurtyn, Ɲani
620.43%53Sean, 4DRStorm, Aydan
630.43%53Тruth, Gatekka, iRewqtion
640.43%53SneakiFarts, Changinqs, TuTuKuul
650.43%53unwet, Zaey, txtures
660.43%53Logo stdTempest, Logo stdTempest, Logo stdTempestSoulo, Mumei, Noodles
670.43%52lilretr0, Nuqlo, Not Ech0
680.43%52flare, Skatе, Nico
690.43%52Wedd, sense, atsui 8jets
700.43%52AdmireMirage, Redstar, Dymide
710.43%50Cooper, Neϲromancer, Brocori
720.43%49Sttef, zeѕty, たちさん
730.43%49jammyz, Tristan Hipp, Herrions
740.43%49Dоpi, Leech, Peace
750.43%48AmFlex, Artillery, Saucealujah
760.43%48Miinted, HxlicsWtf, TricksWtf
770.43%48hannah, Carlee, KarimSZN
780.43%47chicken, av, mechton
790.43%46Victiini, Johkrr, mizuma
800.43%46Maddiesuun, Cheo, Rhxma
810.43%46CxLy, scopеz, kloo
820.43%46Holds45 TV, Girrn, TechniqueFPS
830.43%46ASHEZ, gоba, unsightly
840.43%45DarreI, Walay, ìNugz
850.43%45Moe1k, Impulѕe, Phoenixaa
860.43%45Auhdi, Jake, Swarm
870.43%45walla, Aaron, jaeyung
880.43%44Revr, ICEDGREG, ShiroRz
890.43%44mista xenon, flx, HzExtinct
900.43%44H1ghSky1, glawkie, Blyss
910.43%44Reet, Preme, Dаvo
920.43%44Marrzin, Moter, Dexteriity
930.43%43Jaomock, Gunfly, Visz
940.43%43SіrKirky, SirLemur, SirMasterrcr
950.43%43Bzrk, boppin, Balmes
960.43%42REMMY, ΒΑΝG, Cones
970.43%42Yagi, saymyname, bigboyybhris
980.43%42MaxTL, slayerkey, liftiе
990.43%42Bryan, KaylonFN, Monsoons
1000.43%41Major, ninjaslicer1228, Kryp
1010%41Howdy, toukii, CarsonCBC
1020%40spоok, bogen, brews
1030%39Joysick, scrupools, Ѕkі
1040%39captainy, Lollicker, niibs
1050%39RottenTwinkies, Pigmento, Dexstαr
1060%39Drewo, akaJram, TheSilentOne
1070%38Svge, Еmph, Eggie
1080%37Phill, Xetiq, yngcole
1090%36Juckmenqt, beauqt, koldqt
1100%36Ciswаy, Creation, HAMHAMHAMHAMHAM
1110%36TheFallDamage, ProdigyX, Prοdigy
1120%36Tryhard, CRIIZUX, Arath
1130%35Qwacho, calvіn, Slastt
1140%35aixei, Wilds, hi trunks
1150%35Ggeez, jadeszn, Expo
1160%34frvrfayr, SoFlow, gabe
1170%34defiable, smoothe, Bryce
1180%32Arsеn, Crооk, јmo
1190%32Robel, Choy, dubba
1200%32ItsSG03, 77dane77, Qracked
1210%30ȷoqker, Sihllable, Cuvey
1220%29Culperz, Verno, Strings
1230%29pythоs, jellybelly, Silver
1240%29slime, Idawgy, Eclipse
1250%28Ranger, Hysteria, Typical Gamer
1260%28Trot, haydеn, Destrυcten
1270%28Fixxy, ImJwiz, WolfieMercs
1280%28Talason, GFD, ItsEJ1
1290%27Kaminist, BeckOneZ, el Devourer
1300%25Kayess, haloxd, Saxy
1310%25zensd, KevinWasHere, Tairany
1320%25Zuletа, LascLive, Zastruh
1330%25FaintGG, HamayPlaya, EliteAmmo
1340%23frosty, Dohng, NotReactz
1350%23korl, Shawyonix, cookiie
1360%22Mahon, Tjay, klapz
1370%22dаno, Leg, cr1002cr
1380%217980dots-9895132, pаsty, Voiid
1390%20goated, zerqz, Quintin
1400%18Tinaraes, keru, SuperPwnage1000
1410%18Hesahtate, Cambur, Bigpapasaul
1420%17Kinggg, OVT Divine, Laids
1430%17Кicк, Aerow, Panda
1440%14Blo0dyburritozTV, Nick, CZR
1450%13Revr, Exe, heylv
1460%13FatLikeCheese, StireFire, VXNC3NT
1470%11kiot, Rare, Vegito
1480%11kovaaks, huntеrr, Cyperzz
1490%10zizrow, ICEDGREG, ShiroRz
1500%0Zelo, Twiko, luii




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