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Fortnite Esports Wiki
Fortnite Champion Series: Chapter 2: Season 1 Week 4: Semi-Finals - Middle East
FNCS C2S1logo square
Tournament Information
OrganizerEpic Games
Prize Pool$0
Fortnite Tracker
Location & Dates
Middle East
Event TypeSpecial Tier
Start Date2019-11-23
End Date2019-11-24
Fortnite Champion Series Warmup is the first official tournament in Fortnite Chapter 2: Season 1. Starting on October 26, 2019, Epic Games will be holding 2 online qualifiers for the Champion Series Warmup Finals on seven regions.



Points Breakdown

Point Distribution
Scoring Points
Victory Royale 3
Reach Top 2 3
Reach Top 4 3
Reach Top 6 3
Reach Top 8 3
Elimination 1


PlacePrizePrize (%)PointsTeamPlayers
26Invoke, Wisa, Kimmy, Galassia
27Ethereallogo stdEthereal, Ethereallogo stdEthereal, Ethereallogo stdEthereal, Ethereallogo stdEtherealfdoz, Sickerz, NetloV, Frenzy
28C4rl, LeziX, Raed, Snowyka
29Claive, Refroo, Exille, Reig
30sufiyxn, Fiz, Aqua, OVERPOWEREDã…¤
31NJR, Abdulelah, Nasir, GntL
32Dhruv, Venky, Aaku, Gaurav
33kinji, moon, Spirit.qq, 9914202
34Saud, AzM, DrFx, FAL7
35Crow, ΒarΒari, Rawi, Craѕh
36Drip, No0oR, RoLz, Spektah
37Mjood, SuL, HBSH, Outlaw
38Faith, Fierce, Hope, sfa7
39Syaz, NeLa, Howl, Cyanite
40Turki, D7, Abdull2h, Moath
41Osh-Tekk Warriorslogo stdOsh-Tekk Warriors, Osh-Tekk Warriorslogo stdOsh-Tekk Warriors, Osh-Tekk Warriorslogo stdOsh-Tekk Warriors, Osh-Tekk Warriorslogo stdOsh-Tekk WarriorsAdapter, Hero, KaKaRoT, Obeed
42Rainy, Black, KaWs, Giorano
43LowLight, iReaper, Dazlly, SKULLY
44JD, Roushdi10, Jez, Ps
45scythe, nebzie, Dream, fаvel
46xJam, HKM, Alvi, Slayㅤㅤ
47aixa, Qbo, MECYX, NotWibu
48Swmex, Fenix, VipеrZK, Tebzy
49Ace, MANSOOR, UnKnown, Madara
50Lyn, Danielbieje, Ishawshanks, bobby bin laden
51Еscanor, Saturday, KuKi, Reedhay
53Logo stdbangkaew, Logo stdbangkaew, Logo stdbangkaew, Logo stdbangkaewsakura, feitho, maho, SHIMON
54GoDLiKe, PAVEL, InFRoNTuS, Blurry
552NiTE, Paulla, Hexor, Ikmalwepeeee
56Chubstho, Viinkz, cakepac, skizzie
57Demon x, Chancellor, Pride, CYX S
58KyGoo, Eroo, LKxR, 3x
59adaptz, Prabhu, Тangey, Pain
60WhiteBird, Dev, Kidfalcon, CLOWN
61TakkaruGameru, Reit, Quicknockkk, Shaik
62Primis, VLT, Υuusha, Lord
63Yuki Lord, MidQ, Deatt, Vairex
64Logo stdACΞ, Logo stdACΞ, Logo stdACΞ, Logo stdACΞPwR, LoneWolf, Mohito, Pavanfishy
65Spectral, Goliath, Soul, Msg
66Mshary, Menwer, A7MD, NAIF
67Lazyshow, Ximox, Storst, SDS
68Moonkush, KLOPZ, Feezle, Dennisthmus
69Varel, BossBule, Hunter, red
70Zenitsu, Frebik, ImpracticaL, AhmarTheGreat
71Ethereallogo stdEthereal, Ethereallogo stdEthereal, Ethereallogo stdEthereal, Ethereallogo stdEtherealSoul, psxE, dmzs, Godfrey
72Eloticytb, eyib, StepL, X4DS
73Raymar, cheezyyy, Aura, Twistnator
74Originz, kovolski, Weird, awge
75JdoFear, VanTVerX, Edd, iFJss
76GobliN, Staz, June, Kingstroi
77PrimeZK, Flame, Foxa, Hunter
78ASMRlogo stdASMR, ASMRlogo stdASMR, ASMRlogo stdASMR, ASMRlogo stdASMRNF3A, 3z, M7sn, iDark
79Jendawy, Aeshie, Webs, HishamRaGe
80Meet, Devil, Рrix, LOOTER
81Rayan, Mxiz, FNqW, Dark
82Agent47, Tanveet, JADEJA, shaan
83Ammar, Neo, Bomba, PLIZE
84fIamors, GhostPK, TrikShotz, Showkilla
85Crabs, Taqi, Zonda, Vysi
86SL, akai, Ksz, rooster
87EditZ, Greygod, Gunnersayush, SAMIMAX
88King007, Spark007, AaRiJ, Elija
89DaNGeR, TheWildGamerHere, NotSai, Silence
90vov, SquadZy, Quinzyjesus, Toys
91vS4l, Salah, 1Teed, FR3ON
92Uek, Ash, Amon, kidney
93umadz, Havoc, Agx, KAI, Rwiz7flx, FLK, eyadmgt
95Killua, Mish3al, JABR, Fast
963BoooD, Feras, Hydro, Az2M
97Zyuuki, Kibo, krptic2k, Sanctier
98Hawk, T4ivn, Kiss, Crazy
99Sandeep22, FaturBrian, 99Creme, Greuu ã…¤
100gloo, Dew, Kanaal, Keefo




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Fortnite chapter 2: Season 1 competitive news



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