Fortnite Esports Wiki
Winter Royale Middle East 2019: Day 2
Winter Royale 2019
Tournament Information
OrganizerEpic Games
Prize Pool$141,400
Fortnite Tracker
Location & Dates
Middle East
Event TypeOnline
The Winter Royale is an online Duo event, hosted by Epic Games, where $141,400 each day will be rewarded . There are no open qualifiers. The top 250 performers will receive money and top 200 performers will receive power ranking points.



  • 15 Games
  • 4 hours

Points Breakdown

Points are awarded based on finishing position and kills as follows (if you reach a threshold points will be cumulated for both placements and kills): [1]

  • Every kill is worth 1 point.
Point Distribution
Placement Points
Victory Royale 2
2-3 2
4-6 2
7-10 2
11-15 2
16-21 2
22-28 1

Prize Pool

PlacePrizePrize (%)PointsTeamPlayers
PlacementIcon1 1164POWERlogo stdPOWER, POWERlogo stdPOWERJABR, Fast
PlacementIcon2 2164POWERlogo stdPOWER, POWERlogo stdPOWERNm7, Rv
PlacementIcon3 3163JdoFear, EDD
4152iiUniit, Brook
5152Phantom, stilson
6150LXlogo stdLX, LXlogo stdLXK9, KJS
7147Rider, SAL
8146Synergenic Spy, Broken
9145AgPro, 1Pompo
10140Team Aliaslogo stdTeam Alias, Team Aliaslogo stdTeam AliasSnowvaks, Souriano
11139TheSpark Esportslogo stdTSK Esports, TheSpark Esportslogo stdTSK EsportsZephyr, Xanzus
12139Logo stdTU, Logo stdTUI4xPRO, Dexefite
13137NOMFU, Meν
14136Quid, Onеshоt
15134Sudor Esportslogo stdSudor Esports, Sudor Esportslogo stdSudor EsportsLowLight, SKULLY
16134Nong9, playerone
17134Feras, Azam
18133J4X, STAR
19132Lowkey Esportslogo stdLowkey Esports, Lowkey Esportslogo stdLowkey EsportsmentrO, awge
20129TheSpark Esportslogo stdTSK Esports, TheSpark Esportslogo stdTSK EsportsRaed, Snowyka
21129Viiroos, Qasem
22128POWERlogo stdPOWER, POWERlogo stdPOWER7MOOD, Zeeyadx
23127ASMRlogo stdASMR, ASMRlogo stdASMRFzKL, Kai
24126Osh-Tekk Warriorslogo stdOsh-Tekk Warriors, Osh-Tekk Warriorslogo stdOsh-Tekk WarriorsAdapter, KaKaRoT
25126Odeh, Tax
26125Mcre, Speed
27124Osh-Tekk Warriorslogo stdOsh-Tekk Warriors, Osh-Tekk Warriorslogo stdOsh-Tekk WarriorsFlacko, ReVoLT
28124Team RRQlogo stdTeam RRQ, Team RRQlogo stdTeam RRQLyn, Byje
29124Logo stdEX, Logo stdEXsmsom, Rezzy
30124Logo stdTU, Logo stdTUJawad605, iExon
31124Dev, ThFateㅤ
32123Carl, OutLaaw
33123Tox, DR3OOM
34123azpect, toggle
35123POWERlogo stdPOWER, POWERlogo stdPOWERRisK, VLT
36122AzM, FAL7
37122Fenix, Loki
38122JIREN, yoitsmee
39122Resurgencelogo stdResurgence, Resurgencelogo stdResurgenceInvoke, WISA
40122Shaan-, fizzyy
41121Team Revelationslogo stdTeam Revelations, Team Revelationslogo stdTeam Revelationskillerboy, ADY
42121aixa, sneaky
43121ASTA, Naru
441217AMOOD, KHD
45121Kinqver, Tooke
46121iFlу, Rаkan
47121kinji, Sanctier
48120AdaM, WH1TE
49120CurthNib, 200quickdead
50120KIMMY, Galassia
51120Logo stdTWQ, Logo stdTWQHussain, Unbreakable
52120Logo stdTU, Logo stdTUCHozay, Mythic
53120Steady, Cаbbаge
54120DWG KIAlogo stdDWG KIA, DWG KIAlogo stdDWG KIAPaengdol, Eraser
55119Logo stdTpM, Logo stdTpMgcolominas, Doxi
56119Logo stdClassic, Logo stdClassicGin, rec
57119Logo stdFalcon, Logo stdFalconIllusion, SGT GHOST
58119Logo stdTOXIC, Logo stdTOXICMjood, Sul
59119RAWEE, Craѕh
60118Gaurav, ISAAC
61118Sickerz, Frenzy
62118Kygo, Birelta
63118Ken, Wiz
64118Syaz, Cyanite
65118Khaled, Tоdоrоki
66118Team Revelationslogo stdTeam Revelations, Team Revelationslogo stdTeam RevelationsPhó3níx, MrDom.
67118Repulse Gaminglogo stdRepulse Gaming, Repulse Gaminglogo stdRepulse GamingNotorious, A7SH
68118Plouzy., hig
69118SCARY, iDark
70118BoqQbo, NotWibu
71118Faris, Y4sh
72117Jаce, jhkㅤ
73117Deltha, PANTHER
74117EDward Gaminglogo stdEDward Gaming, EDward Gaminglogo stdEDward GamingHking, shiliu88
75117Tebzy, Vairex
76117Escanor, Shani
77117D7ID7, Zord
78117SCORPION, KiritoKun
79117Howl, moon
80117хzhilеz, Shower
81116Teerb, Ζuity
82116Lojavi7, FragOsO
83116xKubars, 8D3
84116avermit, oEthrieum
85115Q30, دكتور حيوانات
86115oMajix, 7flx
87115Nebzie, Ѕlaуㅤ
88115rᎥzen, Vysi
89115Washed bot, Viper
90114Mercury Esportslogo stdMercury Esports, Mercury Esportslogo stdMercury EsportsPrix, Helium
91114ThunderFlashlogo stdThunderFlash, ThunderFlashlogo stdThunderFlashnrjo, NotEyad
92114Modisk, QnDx
93114Аlvi, Originz
94114ProKiller, Virto
95114demon x, Chancellor
96114scythe1x, ItskG
97114santos, TrikShotz
98114Vendomelogo stdVendome, Vendomelogo stdVendomeDrip, No0oR
99114fares, BLOODY
100114Verizium, liryC
101113NotSai, Silence
102113SeMy, w1zex
103113Saud, TOMY
104113pancake, Rampage
105113Asmair, Mxst
106113Logo stdKOG, Logo stdKOGsakura, Anotamy
107113POWERlogo stdPOWER, POWERlogo stdPOWERFHD, Yonx
108113Esca, nаwaf
109113Eclipse, KilleR
110113ıshaw, Poopy
111113Ethereallogo stdEthereal, Ethereallogo stdEtherealfdoz, NetloV
112112SHIRONEKO, Vabon
113112Team Exilelogo stdTeam Exile, Team Exilelogo stdTeam Exileanonym, Depression
114112Br1ckzl, BAL00N
1151121Tap Esportslogo std1Tap Esports, 1Tap Esportslogo std1Tap EsportsPain, DaKleck0
116112Logo stdinsta, Logo stdinstaxDream, J3XR
117112Silly, Veetrn
118112Logo stdUnbroken, Logo stdUnbrokenMK, Waffles
119112RV kovolski, RV weird
120112WASP E-Sportslogo stdWASP E-Sports, WASP E-Sportslogo stdWASP E-SportsMessi, Tangey
121112VoIgar, Sloppy
122111KLOPZ, Kappa
1231117mdvv, EndHistory
124111M7sn, Jmo
125111Aboo6y, Rakanoooo
1261111Tap Esportslogo std1Tap Esports, 1Tap Esportslogo std1Tap EsportsPaveL, Prabhu
127111iReaper, Ripper
128111NJR, 3BoooD
129111EMP, Mw
130111ZaP, NAVEEN
131110KyGoo, insta
132110kyoto, ECINEV
133110Mercury Esportslogo stdMercury Esports, Mercury Esportslogo stdMercury EsportsCursive, Ion
134110Αria, Hasooxn
135110mаpz, BIynxz
136110AB, Nasir
137110Fire, Shincky
138110Lettuce, Vabon
139110Mercury Esportslogo stdMercury Esports, Mercury Esportslogo stdMercury EsportsCrizbir, SINLORD
140110Nest, honn0u
141110dimi, AtmptZ
142110سلوز, zErA
14311084 BestPlayer, snack
144110SaanTix, fndl
145110Prince, Mystrax
146110GhostPK, Frebik
147109Wiz eSportslogo stdWiz, Wiz eSportslogo stdWizZdayd, hazo
148109Rv, Slophex
149109Arius, FaxF0x
150109i2mnh, RaiZ
151109Logo stdTU, Logo stdTUMsiddig, Siddig
152109LeziX, Lacator605
153109Kidfalcon, MadClown
154109Faisal, Azizz
155109Louzy, Mirror
156109Zazz, Parsiian
157109AmonW, DΣV
158109iscr9, Con2n
159109VedaLuka, imdabb
160108Adаptz, favel
161108Logo stdClassic, Logo stdClassicControl, Darkz, Mr3zo
163108SuPrisE, xρүяσx
164108TheSpark Esportslogo stdTSK Esports, TheSpark Esportslogo stdTSK EsportsSpectral, Goliath
165108TayTay, Cornn
166108Rogh, midnight
167108Tompsy, Chapo
168108ASMRlogo stdASMR, ASMRlogo stdASMRAbdullah, RSj
169108AlexJJ, Jackk
170108Hootanz, GH0ST
171108Roadkiller, Turbine
172108Ray, Ranger
173108fIamors, KuKi
174108Logo stdWoLz, Logo stdWoLzHaze, Cursed
175108جاي اشخلكم شخل, ليه هالقساوة
176108FLK, eyadmgt
177107Turki, D7
178107Sabershark88, Darkest
179107Char, al3arabi
180107Scoped12X, Troxie
181107DENNIS, Damzes
182107geоо, Caul
183107D4RXS, C2razy
184107Rakan, SPY
185107CznAk47, Sh2kurAk47
186107Kune, Salvo
1871070孫悟空, CrazySimps
188107iZerls, IDazzz.
189107Nіxtx, Fallen
19010717 JD, Simar 13
191107ZAKY, Glory
192107Boyka, VDOF
193107Logo stdInstagram, Logo stdInstagramRMS S1, i 5HZ
194107ShineyxhehexD, OmgFirRe
195107Soul, backpackertampan
196107DMBGH, Fahad
197107Faiyaz360, Embruh
198106iKkYu, Lord
199106AD3M, Crystl
200106Gilmore xDilado


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